I don’t know what other people do as
they sit at a tangi or funeral service waiting for the korero or service to
begin. Increasingly, I find myself
looking for familiar friends and faces, and thinking about those who are
permanently absent, (at least from this world). Last week, I sat with good friends at Te Kakano o te Aroha Marae to celebrate the life of Kaylene O’Reilly, the beloved daughter of Taape and Denis O’Reilly, social activist, writer, and gang associate.
I was privileged to be seated at the front , sandwiched between Black Power member and community worker Eugene Ryder,
(Eugene is the one on the right) and Superintendent Wally Haumaha Of Police National HQ.

With Wally were two Police Iwi Liaison Officers. It occurred to me that we had a shared history, and were all members of an ‘in-group/out-group’. While we were all very much part of our own organisation’s basic values and beliefs, our lives and interests constantly merged in pursuit of a greater goal. None of us have a greater challenge in doing that than Police iwi liaison officers – and it suddenly occurred to me -they were the nation’s 'Thin Brown Line.'
I was privileged to be seated at the front , sandwiched between Black Power member and community worker Eugene Ryder,

(Eugene is the one on the right) and Superintendent Wally Haumaha Of Police National HQ.

With Wally were two Police Iwi Liaison Officers. It occurred to me that we had a shared history, and were all members of an ‘in-group/out-group’. While we were all very much part of our own organisation’s basic values and beliefs, our lives and interests constantly merged in pursuit of a greater goal. None of us have a greater challenge in doing that than Police iwi liaison officers – and it suddenly occurred to me -they were the nation’s 'Thin Brown Line.'
I first met Denis in 1972, when after
a decision to leave a Catholic seminary, he worked as a field worker for the
Tenant’s Protection Association. We were
both involved in Community Volunteers at the time. I was Sergeant in charge of the Wellington
Youth Aid Section, based in Newtown.
Denis came into my office imbued with a vision to make a difference in
the world, and determined to change the emerging gang scene -which was much
more difficult and dangerous that it is now.
I wasn’t very supportive; something told me that a young wild eyed
Irishman attempting to grapple with the complexities of the gang culture wasn’t
a good fit. I was wrong. Denis managed to get himself into a whole lot
of scrapes, got arrested a few times, and by 1975 was the national organiser
for Black Power. But his big vision
never faded; and he has pursued it for over forty years. He went on to occupy a unique place in New
Zealand social history, as social activist, community development consultant and senior
public servant.


Kohitere was a hellhole of a place. The one saving grace was the counsellor at the time, Gary Hermansson, these days a well-known sports psychologist.

The Value of Māori Police Officers
At that time, we relied heavily on Māori Police officers to work at the margins with the emerging gang situation, and whānau.
By the 1970’s, the
impact of earlier urban Māori migration began to impact on the crime rate, (the Māori
youth apprehension rate increased by 50% between 1954 and 1958). It was the Māori Police
officers who were influential in maintaining a sometimes uneasy peace between
the whānau of Māori urban migrants, and the justice sector. Wellington policing would have been far more
problematic in the absence of police officers such as Hoppy Hodges, Tony Olsen, Waho
Tibble, Charlie Hohaia, Rangi Rangihika, Devon Paaka, Rana Waitai, and others,
who acted as ‘honest brokers’ between the predominantly pākehā police service,
and whānau.
The 1970’s saw the formation of the
‘J” Teams – community teams consisting of representatives from the Police,
Social Welfare, Māori Affairs and the community, who joined to deal with the
emerging gang scene, and youth crime. Once
again, Māori Police officers were at the fore, demonstrating a capacity to
build trusting relationships with offenders and their whānau, and exercise
discretion appropriately.
In the mid 1970’s, I recall
discussing the added value that Māori Police officers brought to the service
with other police managers. It led to a
piece of (totally unscientific) research, in which we looked at the performance assessments of Māori Police
officers from the point of recruitment through the first five years of
service. We compared them with the non-Māori Police
officers with a registration number to either side, i.e. officers who were
recruited and enrolled at the same time.
There was a very clear trend.
First, Māori officers tended to get lower marks for skills such as
report writing, and attention to detailed administrative processes, but were
rated higher in relationship skills, and the exercise of discretion. After five years, they had caught up with
their pākehā counterparts in the area of report writing and administration, and
continued to improve in relationship building, and community engagement.
The Police Iwi Liaison Service was
formed in 1992, since 2000 a major part of their activity has been working with iwi to develop Iwi Crime Prevention Plans. Māori membership within the Police has since increased steadily – there
are currently 800 Māori Police officers out of a total staff of around
11,000. .
For those working closely with whānau
and communities however, the place where the Police Māori Iwi Liaison staff
make the most powerful impact, is with their work at the margins. They provided a critical link between gangs,
and crime families and whānau to the law and order establishment. There have been countless occasions in the
last 20 years, where the intervention of a Māori Police officer has served to
de-escalate community and family violence, and to neutralise Police
racism. Their reputation within iwi and
the Māori community is high, and richly deserved. For many, they are the ‘Thin Brown Line’ - a place
where people feel safe to share information, where views and perspectives are
respected, but in the knowledge that their loyalty is to the Police
Honouring the ‘Thin Brown line”
Why the Thin Brown Line? The Thin Blue Line is a colloquial term for the Police. The blue refers
to the typical blue of the police uniform, and refers to the police forces in
general. It may refer to the police as a "line" standing between good
and evil (citizens and perpetrators), or may refer to the "line" that
separates the police as an in-group from everyone else (with positive, negative or mixed
connotations, depending on the person using the expression).
The Thin Brown Line are those Māori members of the Police Iwi Liaison Service
who stand between the Māori community and the Police organisation. Often they act as brokers between the two. They enjoy the wide respect of both the Māori
community and the community at large, and at times mitigate and mediate in the
worst cases of Police misconduct.
is a growing view that Iwi Liaison Officers are undervalued within the Police
service. The Police decision not to
involve Iwi Liaison staff, in Operation Eight, (the Tuhoe raids) while
considered by the ICPA to be a reasonable decision, left
a sour taste in the mouths of Maori. . Certainly, the outcome would have been
different and less traumatic, if they had been involved.

The Police currently lead the
way in its ‘Prevention First’ strategies and understanding of community
engagement. The ‘Thin Brown Line’ are a
critical part of that multi-stranded strategy and has demonstrated its ability
to, in the words of the Police Oath discharge its responsibilities
“without fear or favour, malice or ill
will” – a phrase that is at the heart of effective policing.
Active gang and community engagement – good intelligence, developing
relationships with key leaders, providing opportunity for pro-social activity, but
without compromising one’s personal and organisational integrity – is the
challenge. And the ‘Thin Brown Line’ do
it better than most. All of the above is
being ‘Smart on Crime.’
Let’s make it our business to honour
the ‘Thin Brown Line’.
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Criminology is an amalgamation of two words one is Latin word Crimen and other is Greek word Logia. Criminology alludes to the logical investigation of causes, control, nature and extent of criminal conduct of a person in a network.
Nature and Scope of Criminology
In the criminology task we have to concentrate on the nature and extent of criminology. It was seen by Enrico Ferri that creating nations effectively take part in keeping the enthusiasm of the network safe and made sure about structure wrongdoings and hoodlums and receive a viable criminal approach. Social safeguard hypothesis whose point is to annihilate wrongdoing from the network can be effective just when the criminal law of that nation is managed proficiently.
To adequately control the reason for wrongdoing, factors raising violations or elements affecting lawbreakers brain to perpetrate wrongdoing are considered by the criminologists whose point is to give consistent rebuffing framework to all the nations, legitimate organization of penitentiaries, reformative establishments, courts and police to diminish events of wrongdoings.
The criminology task incorporate through investigation of the considerable number of changes of the corrective framework going from parol and probation framework to open detainment facilities, middle of the road sentence and other reformative, however different parts of violations and different strategies which are utilized to treat the hoodlums is the focal point of consideration of the criminology task. Hoodlums in the recovery are appropriately helped and improved with the goal that they don't rehash the wrongdoing in future and don't stay a danger to the general public any more. Point of criminology is to build up the general public all in all.
Current criminologists additionally have faith in the way that if criminal equity is appropriately directed it can help in controlling impacts of culpability and to supress the cases of guiltiness lawbreakers are to be dealt with and transformed separately.
Ceasare Lombroso featured the cutting edge idea of criminology by expressing how lawbreakers were not quite the same as others. Idea of Criminology and penology ought to go inseparably to shield the general public from dangers and against social act. Numerous criminologists dissertation writing help additionally have a conviction that ecological, sociological variables and society can fix the reasons for culpability.
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