by Kim Workman
In a recent visit to New Zealand to speak at the Leading
Justice Seminar, Dr Gloria Laycock,
for Crime Science at the Jill Dando Centre ,University of London, made quite an impression with her down-to –earth analysis
on the problem of crime (rather than the problem of criminals).
Nine to Noon’s Catherine Ryan skyped Professor Laycock a couple of weeks later,
and talked to her about the reasons for the reduction of crime throughout the
western world – a steady decline in crime that has taken place over the last
twenty years. Prof Laycock was quick to commend the Police
for introducing the ‘Prevention First’ strategy, which has become entrenched in Police thinking over
the last 3 -4 years. Listen to the interview
It caused me to reflect on the great work Commission Howard
Broad did with the Policing Excellence’ and ‘Prevention First’ strategies - he was an extremely gifted and forward thinking strategist and policy
In a no-nonsense
response, Dr Laycock made it clear that while it was great to see politicians
involved, it was implausible for them to take credit for any drop in crime. As she pointed out, the reason that car crime
is down 70% and burglaries down 60% in the UK, has nothing to do with political
policies or ‘three strikes for burglars’.
Cars and house are just that much harder to get into – deadlocks,
security technology has made it more difficult to steal property, hence the
reduction in those offences. In New
Zealand, a recent AAA survey
showed that thieves prefer older vehicles as they tend to have less
sophisticated security features and are often easier to steal. AA Insurance found
that 89 per cent of theft claims relating to models in the top 10 list were for
cars manufactured more than 10 years ago. Sixty-six per cent of the
vehicles on the list were manufactured before 2000.s
Gloria then talked about the ‘multiplier effect’ – that most
crime is committed by (mostly) young men aged 16 – 18 years. When the opportunity to commit crime no
longer exists, a great many young men don’t enter the criminal justice system at
all. They don’t start on the ‘crime ladder’ and, given that most young offenders quit by the time they turn 24
years of age, don't feature at all in the system. That in turn leads to less
violence. We know that offenders with longer
criminal careers are more violent – especially if they have spent time in
There is a parallel situation in New Zealand. The crime rate has been trending downwards over
the last twenty years with a significant drop in the last three. This last year the number of recorded
offences was at its lowest since 1989, and the rate of recorded crime is the
lowest since 1979. The youth crime rate has also decreased
significantly. The rate of apprehensions of children and young people
fell by 23 per cent between 2002 and
Part of that drop is due to a change in demographics - Following World War II, the rise of the Baby Boomer
generation dramatically increased the number of young people in this
crime-prone age group. As this Baby Boomer cohort has aged, so the number of
young people in the 15 to 24 year old age group - sometimes called the “Echo Boomers” has
reduced – and with it crime.
In 1971, young people in
the 15 to 24 age group made up 17.3 percent of the general population. By 2006,
the number had fallen to 14.4 percent - a 20 percent decrease. The proportion
of Māori in that 15 to 24 age group, which was 8.5 percent in 1971, has more than
doubled to 19.2 percent in 2006 – certainly a factor contributing to the high
Māori offending rate. The number of 15 –
24 year olds has plateaued, and , will continue to decline until 2023. Even if we stood by and watched, the crime
rate is going to fall further.
What could we be doing more of? Dr Laycock pointed to the obvious fact that
alcohol consumption is a feature in most violent crime – we have been gutless
in addressing and reducing the public consumption and availability of
alcohol, especially for young people.
Most importantly, she urged the government not to invest the
savings from the ongoing reduction of crime into other sectors, but experiment
with a range of new and innovative
approaches within the justice system.
The introduction of problem solving courts was one possibility. In New Zealand, the establishment of Drug
Courts, has proceeded at a snail’s pace.
Her final point as that we must resist the temptation to
overuse technology to the point that we become a ‘surveillance society’. That while we should embrace new ways of
doing things – there is a basic requirement to act ethically, and to acknowledge
the inherent dignity we have as human beings.
We are most importantly, obliged to observe basic human rights.
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The article discusses the reduction in crime rates in the Western world over the past two decades, focusing on factors contributing to this decline. Dr. Gloria Laycock emphasizes the importance of addressing the problem of crime itself rather than solely focusing on criminals. Key points highlighted include the implementation of the 'Prevention First' strategy by the police, technological advancements in security, demographic changes, alcohol consumption and violence, government investment in innovative approaches, and caution against overuse of technology. The article commends the police for implementing these strategies, while also highlighting the role of demographic changes, such as the decline in the youth population, in contributing to the reduction in crime rates. Dr. Laycock also criticizes the lack of action in addressing alcohol consumption and violence, particularly among young people. The article also stresses the need for continued innovation and ethical considerations in addressing crime-related challenges. contract dispute attorney near me
The worldwide problem of crime remains a complex challenge, transcending borders and affecting communities globally. How long Can a Divorce Take in New York From petty theft to organized crime and cyber fraud, the spectrum is vast and continually evolving. Societal factors such as poverty, inequality, and lack of education often contribute to the perpetuation of criminal activities.
Crime is a global issue influenced by various factors, including socioeconomic factors, social and cultural factors, political factors, technological advances, drug abuse and addiction, globalization, urbanization, transnational criminal organizations, corruption, and legislative challenges. Socioeconomic factors, such as poverty, inequality, and lack of access to education and employment opportunities, can lead to higher crime rates. Social factors, such as family stability and community support, can deter or promote criminal activities. Political factors, such as instability, corruption, and ineffective governance, can create an environment conducive to crime. Technological advances, such as cybercrime, require evolving legal frameworks and law enforcement capabilities to address technological challenges. Drug abuse and addiction, which includes illicit drug use, can contribute to crime reduction through prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation policies. Globalization has facilitated the movement of goods, people, and information, but it has also made it easier for criminal activities to transcend national borders. Urbanization leads to increased anonymity, social disintegration, and competition for resources, contributing to higher crime rates in urban areas. Transnational criminal organizations, such as drug trafficking, human smuggling, and cybercrime, contribute to global crime. Corruption within law enforcement and judicial systems can undermine efforts to combat crime. Legislative challenges, such as outdated or inadequate legislation, can hinder efforts to combat emerging forms of crime. A comprehensive and collaborative approach is needed, focusing on prevention and enforcement while considering the underlying factors contributing to criminal behavior.abogados de accidentes
Dr. Gloria Laycock's perspective on crime reduction emphasizes practical factors such as improved security technology, demographic changes, and alcohol consumption as key factors. She attributes the decline in crime rates to these factors, particularly among young men. She also highlights the impact of demographic changes, particularly a decrease in the number of young people prone to criminal behavior. Laycock also calls for more assertive measures to address alcohol consumption, particularly among young individuals. She advocates for investing savings from reduced crime rates into innovative justice approaches, such as problem-solving courts and drug courts, while avoiding excessive reliance on surveillance technology. Workman, on the other hand, calls for the government to consider innovative approaches while maintaining ethical considerations and human rights. In summary, Laycock's insights highlight the multifaceted reasons behind the decline in crime rates and emphasize the need for practical solutions addressing underlying issues. accidente motocicleta
Addressing the worldwide problem of crime demands collective awareness and proactive efforts. This insightful article shines a light on the complexities of this pervasive issue, urging us to confront the root causes and work collaboratively for effective solutions. It's a call to action, a reminder that our shared responsibility extends beyond borders. Together, we can strive for a safer, more just world. 🌍🔍✨ #Registro Violencia Doméstica Nueva Jersey
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The article provides a comprehensive overview of crime reduction strategies worldwide, addressing the global nature of criminal challenges. It covers various aspects of these strategies, including successful programs and case studies. However, a discussion on challenges and limitations faced in implementing these strategies could provide a more nuanced perspective. The article maintains a balanced tone, acknowledging the severity of the issue while highlighting positive progress. It encourages community engagement and provides links to relevant resources. With enhancements, the article could become a more impactful resource for readers interested in crime reduction.
Crime has a significant global impact on society, causing loss of trust, fear, and decreased quality of life. Economic consequences include lost productivity, increased healthcare costs, and damage to infrastructure. Crime often stems from socio-economic factors such as poverty, inequality, lack of education, substance abuse, mental health issues, and breakdowns in family or community structures. Crime manifests in various forms, including violent crimes, property crimes, white-collar crimes, and cybercrimes. Effective law enforcement strategies, community policing initiatives, and investment in crime prevention programs are essential to address crime. International cooperation and coordination among law enforcement agencies are crucial for combating transnational crimes like human trafficking, drug smuggling, and terrorism. Prevention efforts should focus on addressing underlying social and economic factors contributing to crime. Rehabilitation programs for offenders, including education, job training, and mental health support, can reduce recidivism and promote reintegration into society.fatal motorcycle accident
The Worldwide Problem of Crime and its Reduction is a comprehensive book that explores the complex factors contributing to global crime rates. It provides valuable insights into effective strategies for crime prevention and reduction, offering hope for a safer future. This book is essential for policymakers, law enforcement professionals, and anyone interested in understanding and addressing global crime, serving as a vital resource in achieving safer communities worldwide.
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Crime is a global issue affecting communities worldwide, encompassing various types of activities such as theft, assault, fraud, cybercrime, drug trafficking, human trafficking, terrorism, and organized crime. It is often rooted in socio-economic factors such as poverty, inequality, lack of education and employment opportunities, social exclusion, and discrimination. Crime also impacts individuals, families, communities, and nations by undermining social cohesion, eroded trust in institutions, and posing significant economic costs. Addressing crime requires a multi-pronged approach involving prevention, enforcement, rehabilitation, and community engagement. However, challenges include limited resources, corruption, weak governance, and jurisdictional issues, particularly in transnational cases. International cooperation is crucial for combating crime, as many forms of crime transcend national borders. Initiatives like Interpol, Europol, and joint law enforcement operations facilitate information sharing and coordinated efforts to combat cross-border crime. Crime prevention strategies include addressing root causes, implementing effective law enforcement measures, promoting community policing, improving access to education and employment opportunities, and fostering social cohesion and resilience. Technology has transformed the crime landscape, offering both opportunities and challenges.abogados divorcio arlington va
"The Worldwide Problem of Crime and its Reduction" offers a comprehensive analysis of global crime challenges and mitigation strategies. It explores the factors contributing to crime rates and provides solutions for effective reduction. The review emphasizes data-driven approaches and innovative policies, making it a valuable resource for policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and researchers working towards safer communities. It emphasizes the interconnected nature of crime and the importance of collaborative efforts in combating this pervasive issue.
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Dr. Gloria Laycock recent visit to New Zealand for the Leading Justice Seminar was enlightening. Her passion for crime science shone through her insightful speech. Afterwards, I explored the local passion play gift shop, contemplating her words with newfound appreciation.
The Worldwide Problem of Crime and its Reduction" is a comprehensive exploration of one of humanity's most pressing issues and the strategies employed to address it. Through meticulous research and insightful analysis, this book delves into the multifaceted nature of crime, examining its root causes, societal impacts, and the various approaches adopted by governments and communities to mitigate its prevalence.
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Crime is a global issue involving various forms and impacts on various levels. It can occur at local, national, and international levels and has significant social and economic consequences, such as eroded trust in institutions, fear and insecurity among citizens, and financial burdens on individuals, businesses, and governments. Crime is often rooted in complex social, economic, and cultural factors such as poverty, inequality, unemployment, lack of education, substance abuse, social exclusion, and political instability. Globalization and technology have facilitated the expansion of criminal activities across borders, with cybercrime, organized crime syndicates, and transnational criminal networks exploiting digital platforms and global connectivity. Law enforcement agencies face challenges such as resource constraints, limited manpower, inadequate training, evolving criminal tactics, corruption, and jurisdictional complexities. Preventive measures, such as poverty alleviation programs, education and skills training initiatives, community policing efforts, public awareness campaigns, and legislative reforms, are crucial for reducing crime rates. International cooperation among law enforcement agencies, governments, and international organizations is essential due to the global nature of many crimes. Victim support and rehabilitation are also essential aspects of addressing the impact of crime on individuals and communities. Victim support services, counseling, legal assistance, and rehabilitation programs help victims cope with trauma and rebuild their lives.abogados divorcio arlington va
"The Worldwide Problem of Crime and Its Reduction" explores the pervasive issue of crime on a global scale, offering insights into strategies and initiatives aimed at mitigating its impact. This comprehensive examination delves into various forms of crime, from organized crime and cybercrime to street crime and white-collar offenses, highlighting their socioeconomic and human costs. Authors draw on data, case studies, and policy analyses to discuss effective approaches for crime prevention and reduction, emphasizing the importance of collaboration between law enforcement, communities, and policymakers.
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The blog "Worldwide Problem of Crime and its Reduction" focuses on the global challenge of crime and the ongoing efforts to address and reduce criminal activity. It highlights the various types of crime that affect societies, from violent crimes like assault and homicide to non-violent offenses such as fraud and cybercrime. The blog explores how crime impacts communities, economies, and individuals, often creating a cycle of fear and insecurity. What is the Purpose of Arbitration During a Contract Dispute
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